Thursday, June 24, 2010

Best Day of the Trip

I went to Waterford yesterday!  It was more than I could have dreamed it would be.  I'll just be honest and admit that I teared up a couple of times; the sheer fact that I was there was unbelievable to me!  Actually, I spent the majority of my time in Waterford... in Waterford, the business.  I guess technically here they call it WWRD - Waterford Wedgwood something something - or the Waterford Visitor Centre.  Regardless, coolest part of the whole shebang. 

Yes, I did buy my own piece of Waterford yesterday - my first personal purchase but I'm sure not my last.  It's getting shipped to America, though, so you'll have to wait for the photo.  I may just not tell you what it is!

Here are a few pictures of my day.  I'll write more later but now I have to go stuff everything into my suitcases and leave DCU...

My excitement just walking over the bridge into the city!

My lunch at the cafe in the Waterford Crystal Experience (yes that is a chocolate truffle with a side of fresh whipped cream)

That crystal went from this -

to this before my very eyes -

This work was so perfect...

He's drawing that butterfly!

Of course, one of the national symbols!

And, the piece du resistance - my dream dining room (with a few extra chandeliers).  This entire table is covered in Waterford: plates, coffee cups, glasses, vases, serving dishes, silverware...

One last day in Dublin, folks!  I think my hotel tonight has wi-fi, so I've got a couple more things to update before I leave... because what's the point in updating about Ireland once I'm gone?

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